Best Fridge Locks for French Door Refrigerators!
Looking to add that extra level of security for your French-door fridge, but can't decide on which lock model to purchase? Check out this breakdown!Â
Top Fridge Locks: (Not listed by any level of importance or quality)
- Cable Keyed Lock- This is our favorite. Its simple. Its flexible. It has many uses outside of the fridge: some even use it for locking their cabinets or bikes! Need something stronger than our strap lock, and don’t like playing with a mechanical combination lock where you have to enter the combination? This is for you. Many love our lock because they don’t need to remember anything, or don’t have to worry about putting in the wrong combination. Furthermore, the widst point is less than 2CM- thats thin! Basically, if you can fit your finger through a handle, this lock will work fine.
We now have two colors, black & white and two sizes, Regular & small. The regular size will cover most fridge sizes, while the small size can only be used on refrigerators with very narrow handles and many cabinets.
Find on our website!: Urban August Keyed Cable Lock
Buy on Amazon!: Urban August Keyed Cable Lock
PROS: Versatile. The lock is very sturdy. Can fit on almost any fridge.
CONS: Each lock has its own key. We currently cannot offer multiple locks that use the same key.
Combination Cable Lock: A classic. We were the first company to offer a combination cable lock just for use with your fridge. We made sure we got the lock, length and quality right. Given that we currently have 1,000+ 4.6 star reviews on Amazon, it is hard to go wrong with this one.
Like all of our locks, we measured over 250 French door fridge handles to get the length as near perfect as possible. Many love its combination, as they can share the combination freely. The lock is four-digit so its harder to crack than a three-digit combination.
The Combination lock’s downside is due to its upside- its combination lock! You can easily forget your combination, or if you aren’t paying attention, you can accidentally set the wrong combination, thinking it is the correct one. At least once a week we get an email or call from a customer asking if there is a magic factory-reset, as they forgot their combination. Sorry. Can’t help you there.
Another potential downside is its width- its 2.5CM wide at its thinnest point. Only 0.5cm wider than the keyed cable lock, but its just wide enough to prevent usage on some fridge and cabinet handles.
We have two colors available, black & white in one universal size.
PROS: Combination lock increases accessibility. Flexible to use with most fridges.
CONS: You might forget your combination. Width is slighter greater than the keyed lock.
Find on our website: Original Cable Lock on UrbanAugust.com
Buy on Amazon: Original Urban August Cable Lock
MAX CABLE LOCK: This lock is a fan-favorite. We designed this after consulting with clients about their ideal lock. Its aesthetically appealing- it doesn’t look like you just slapped a standard bike lock on your fridge. Its sleek, looks good, and its lock is very solid. Unlike the other cable combination lock, its thinnest point is VERY thin; we’ve never had a customer complain that it was too wide for their handle. Changing the combination is very easy, and it is rare to hear from a customer who can’t make it work.
We only have one size, in black.
Buy on Our Website:Â MAX Cable Lock
Buy on Amazon: MAX Cable Lock on Amazon
4. Original Strap Lock (Upgraded!!!): Our first fridge strap lock. Its recently upgraded, so it is pretty solid. Our original version had weaker plastic, a lock that was hard to change, and wasn’t a universal size. We decided to re-introduce, without all of those downsides.
Our original strap lock is all most need- it will fit 95% of fridges, its strong, it has versatile between both fridges and cabinets. This comes as a two-pack and as an added bonus, we included TWO additional pieces of Velcro. These help set the lock to your fridge, in case the handles are too small, or you are tired of completely taking the lock on or off.
PROS: Versatile. Flexible. Includes Velcro to secure it to your door or cabinet.
CONS: Three-digit combination makes it easier to guess the combination.
Buy on our website: Original Fridge Lock
Buy on Amazon: Original Strap Lock
MAX STRAP LOCK: Our premium strap lock. All the benefits of our Original Strap lock but with a thicker lock, and reinforced webbing. The buckle looks pretty cool too. We also have this in two sizes to fit any fridge. Like other locks, a great fridge lock for adults or kids.
PROS: Versatile. Flexible. Includes Velcro to secure it to your door or cabinet.
CONS: Three-digit combination makes it easier to guess the combination.
Buy on our website: Max Strap LockÂ
Buy on Amazon: MAX Strap Lock
Conclusion: All of our French-door refrigerator locks are thoroughly tested and designed from experience. They all should work perfectly to secure any French-door fridge. It’s all a question of how much security you need, or how your fridge is structured. If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out!