For the best lockbox pricing, just fill out our inquiry form and we will get back to you. For bulk orders, we can provide competitive pricing. Need to include tether cables as well for more security? We can help you there too.
Our lockbox is the go to storage device for many health professionals.
Store your medicine, medical devices, and even pharmaceutical lab testing products in confidence.
Have sensitive samples or testing equipment? Our lockbox is used in hospitals and labs across the country.
For theclassroom
Looking for that extra level of security in the classroom?
Maybe you need a phone lockbox to give electronics a break?
Some schools might use one box per classroom, others might buy one for each student.
We can promise you that you will find plenty of uses for our lockbox in a classroom setting.
For theWorkplace
Our lockbox has many many uses in the typical office environment.
Are employees concerned that their lunch is disappearing?
Have valuables in your desk that require a level of security?
The RoommateDilemma
College dorms, care homes, group homes and summer camps are some of the facilities that use our lockbox to diffuse issues with roommates.
No need to worry about someone steathily getting into your valuables or sensitive items when you have a lockbox from Urban August.
For more security,
lock it down with our tether cable!
Some may ask 'what is the point of a lockbox if someone can simply pick it up and take it away?'
Worry no more- tether your lockbox to something secure with our tether cable.
Custom or High-Volume Orders
Are you looking to place a custom order, or would like to order in volume? We are happy to provide our most competitive rates, as well as staff support. Please fill out the following form with all relevant information, and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours.